
I enjoy writing down and reflect on my experience. My goal is to write more about design, frontend and anything in between.

Learning in publicJanuary 30, 2020 · 1 min read

The scariest part to break this long silence is looking at how far apart the freshest post is from the old ones. For most of us, at least for me typically it happens during new year thanks to new year…

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Guides to approach your Shopify store redesignOctober 13, 2018 · 1 min read

The idea of redesigning a website can be scary and daunting. Not to mention the resources and cost that come with it. Before going on a risky journey of redesign, especially if it's something that…

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How to approach design for Shopify storesSeptember 09, 2018 · 2 mins read

There are so many design processes and here are some that I've personally gone through during my days in startups and companies. Design processes and practices like Design Sprint, Human-Centered…

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Tools for hosting your communityJanuary 01, 2017 · 2 mins read

Value their time, just like how you value your own. If you seeking help that you think would not take more than an hour or two, Be upfront if you don't have any budget. If you have minimal budget…

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